Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Lawn Horn

Who gets excited by lawn?  My husband does, he is a greenkeeper by trade and absolutely loves his lawn.  As soon as the heavens look like they are about to open, it would not be unusual to see him spreading his fertilizer on his beloved lawn in a motion that resembles feeding the chooks.

As he walks backwards and forwards pushing the lawn mower creating perfect lawn stripes I am sure he is reminiscing about the golf course days when he rode the mower and his lines were perfectly straight and there was turf as far as your eye could see.

In the past we have been banned from walking on the lawn, and god help anyone that has even has inch of tyre parked on his lawn.  The rims from my car stain our driveway when I wash them so I thought I would drive up on our lawn carefully and my husband would be none the wiser as I could easily hose off the dark stains left behind from the brake pads.  Well I finished the car and drove off the lawn quite pleased that my tracks would be hidden but god, the blades of grass had been crushed by the tyers and had left a run where I had been parked, I spend the next 20 minutes down on my hands and knees with a brush trying to coax the blades of grass back up.  I blamed the neighbours!

I must admit he has he has mellowed with age and now our son and the neighbourhood kids are allowed to actually play on the lawn.

He still loves his lawn and quite often when we say goodbye to our friends after a few drinks he will wistfully look at his lawn and say "look at that, doesn't it just give you a lawn horn" er NO, doesn't really do it for me but whatever floats your boat!


  1. Scotty's not the only one who gets a lawn horn !

  2. Ha ha hi Jeff, I knew there would be more lawn lovers out there!

  3. But Ann, I don't think what we have out front could be classified as "lawn'! Dandelion carpet maybe..........sssshh!

  4. Never, I don't believe a word of it!!!!!!
