I must say I love my iphone. When I first got it my husband would chastise me for spending too much time fiddling about with my phone, he said I was obsessed with it. The iphone secretly sucks you in unawares and before you know it you have been converted.
My husband was converted after the third day, the first day he was afraid to touch it and ended up locking himself out of his phone, the second day it was a bit daunting with all this new technology, by the third day he was hooked and started raving about certain apps, did you know it can do this and did you know it can do that. I secretly had a giggle and knew he was a gonna.
We can now travel with our iphone and use the google maps that allows you to look up any place in the world and zoom in to show street names. There will be no more trapsing along trying to read a map while the wind moulds it back against your face. If you get lost in the wilderness you can use the trusty iphone compass to guide your way out. You can check your daily share prices, you can find out the weather in any country you desire, you can take a photo, you can log into your facebook account, you can stick your headphones in it and listen to your ipod and don't even get me started on the amazing apps.
I have the Jamie Oliver 20 minute meals, who doesn't love playing Angry Birds and Jungle Crash. I am madly hooked on Solitaire City at the moment and yes a little bit obsessed even.
Its your computer away from home, I can check my emails, do my internet banking, google anything I like. I love my iphone and I can't imagine going back to a generic phone. Just don't forget to charge it up each and every night otherwise your day will end in tears as your battery life is flatlined very quickly, then OMG shock horror what will you do without your phone.................................................................................................eeek
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