Friday, August 27, 2010

Bikram Yoga - is it really good for you?

Who out there has tried Bikram Yoga?

It is based on 26 breathing postures done in a 40 degree room, that apparently according to the website, is a holistic workout which will make you laugh, sweat and groan.

Well the sweat and groan bit is right.  The heat is so oppressive that it really knocks you about even before you start any poses, it is so so so hot.  One poor girl was swaying slightly and she crashed down to the floor in a dead faint and that was at the beginning of the class. 

Let me tell you there is no dainty way to sweat, I am not talking mopping your brow or your top lip, I mean sweat like you have never before, running into your eyes type of sweat, by the end of the class your clothes are dripping wet.  If you are planning to look good and pick up, do not go to Bikram Yoga, and ladies a tip, take your makeup off!!  My girlfriend had just come back from bali and she was peeling slightly, well after the class I think half her tan was stripped off.

There most definately was no laughing, you couldn't even drink mid pose as you were told off by the nazi instructor "please respect others"....You are told when to drink and you cannot leave the class you have to sit on your mat and wait it out.

I will try it again, am I a sucker for punishment or is the lure of losing weight too much to give up on?  Maybe if I can concentrate on my breathing and get into a medative state instead of praying that I get through the 90 minutes of pure torture I might, just might begin to enjoy it ....

Namaste everyone!


  1. Sounds too much like living in Cairns for me! I remember driving Jez to school one day in Wet Season, and the radio guy said, It's already 35 deg AND 98% humidity. It was only 7.50am.

    Gotta love the Tropics. Not, not, not!

    You can have your sweaty yoga all to yourself! Take any photos?

  2. No photos definately NOT, it was not pretty!

  3. try a different type of yoga, imho. This style never has appealed to me but other yoga styles I adore AND you feel good throughout the whole process!
