Monday, May 30, 2011

Oprah's Inspiration

Hi Y'All.  Who watched Oprah on Friday night??  I am not a big Oprah fan, I watch her on and off and I understand she does so much for others but I find it all to be a bit too hyped up and usually so about Oprah.  Since there was nothing else to watch on Friday night apart from football I tuned in.  If you did watch it and you did not cry, then you have no heart!.  I blubbered my way through it and I have to tell you she said some pretty inspirational things, I loved her views and the way she lives her life, I too try to live my life this way.  She really moved me with her words, we are all so busy with life that we sometimes forget to stop and listen to ourselves.  This just reconfirms everything for me.    I thought I would share her words with you for those that missed this show. 

I know you all have to earn a living but every one has something that makes you, you.  Be true to yourself and embrace the life that is calling you and use that life to serve the world.

You bring the energy that changes your life, please take responsibility for the energy that you bring into this space. 
Don't wait for someone to save you or completete you. You are responsible for your own life when you get that you will be free.

Thinking you deserve to be happy and knowing you deserve it are two different things.
Know that you are Worthy because you are born, because you are here, you alone, are worthy enough.
Validate your co workers your children your husband let them know what they say matters,validate them.

That presence that flow some call it grace is working with me at every single turn and if you let it in it can help you too.  I have felt the presence of god speaking to me all my life, everyone has it, be still, it is there.  You can hear it, acknowledge it or ignore it but it is there. The only time I have made mistakes is when i haven't listened. The whispers are subtle but they are there, pay attention stop and listen.
What are the whispers in your life?  Your life is speaking to you, what is it saying to you? Stop and listen and it will tell you the answer.

Connect, embrace, liberate, love and share this, validate someone!

I will be printing out these words and putting them on my fridge so I can be reminded daily to take time out to be true to myself and others.
No body is responsible for your life but you.

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