Friday, June 10, 2011

Ageing Gracefully

We were out to lunch today and saw a very plastic over stretched, over botoxed woman.  It was such a shame as she was a naturally beautiful woman, but needed to have aged gracefully.  She must have been around 55-60, that's what her hands and neck told us, no matter how much plastic surgery you have, your hands and neck will always give you away. I so do understand that as you age, you always want to look younger and I do think in a few years I may myself give in to plastic surgery, there is nothing wrong with making yourself feel better by looking better.  BUT!! I say BUT as there is a fine line, do not overdo it, women just look at you with contempt and pity when you overdo it.  Not so much mutton dressed as lamb but so botoxed that you no longer look like your natural self.  This woman was beautiful just being herself with a slight tweaking that wouldn't have even been picked up, currently she just looked like a tri hard plastic barbie.

Which got me to thinking about the fashion at the moment, has anyone gone into Sportsgirl lately whose aged around 40ish and thought what the hell has happened to the fashion, it seems to have tracked back 20 years to the 80's.  Now Sportsgirl was my favourite shopping haunt, so has Sportsgirl changed drastically aiming at the 20 year olds or have I just outgrown Sportsgirl?  Am I too old for Sportsgirl?  Am I one of those women who is hanging on to her youth and afraid to notice the signs?  AAAAAHHHHH Say it's not true!

I certainly know I am now picking clothes differently, I am happy to spend over $200 plus on an item and am no longer swayed by the "must have fashion item of the moment" so I have matured and being mature, confident, sexy, sassy, secure is a wonderful thing.  I no longer want to be 20, although 30 would be nice when you had no lines around your eyes and your boobs were perky, but you can't have everything.  Your 40's are a time to be strong, confident, stylish, knowledgeable, sexy, and powerful so embrace your age, whatever you are and be YOU!

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