Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mid Afternoon Slump

The afternoon slump!
I don't work on Wednesday's but I seem to actually work harder on a Wednesday than if I am actually at work.  I seem to jam so much into my day, usually food shopping, washing, running errands etc that by the afternoon I hit the biggest slump.  Today I was so exhausted by mid afternoon, that I got the dinner pre prepared, told my son that he had to stir it every 10 minutes, and wandered off for a mini nana nap.  I was partly worried about that status of my pie filling as my son was totally fixated on his favourite computer game that involves a headset.  He spends at least 3 hours every afternoon totally absorbed, he assures me that he is a legend at the game. I can only imagine if anyone spends that much time then he actually should be pretty good by now. 
Whilst I was lying on the bed trying desperately to sleep, I had high hopes that the pie filling didn't end up with burnt bits in it.  The cat shared my bed, he had languished there since 7 oclock this morning and was now ready to start cleaning himself and demanding a pat.  I couldnt resist him, he was so cute whilst he was still half asleep and so smoochy.  I finally stopped patting him and then settled down for a proper uninterrupted sleep and then.......... the pool filter came on and there was a steady constant drone .....that was it, NO SLEEP FOR ME!
I had a cup of tea and a cracker and got over the hump or slump.  After dinner I had a glass of wine and now seem to have my second wind, not quite enough to run around the block but enough to stay up and watch an episode of Criminal Minds then beddie byes.

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